Posts by Tag


Org Capture Templates with Org Files

1 minute read

I fiddle with my org mode captures templates a lot. This usually involves customizing (or setting) org-capture-templates. I found it hard to visualize the en...

Experiments with GccEmacs

2 minute read

As an active user of vterm, I’ve compiled my own version of Emacs for a while to have the required submodules support. That said, I’ve also been on the bleed...

Using Magit Forge with Github Pull Requests

1 minute read

My git tool of choice is of course Magit. It has an extension called Forge that can interact with tools like GitHub or Gitlab. While this support is incomple...

Using Ssh Agent in Windows and Emacs

1 minute read

The SSH Agent allows you to remember the password for a password protected SSH private key during your session. While Linux usually is able to handle this ra...

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Econtalk - Lorne Buchman on Creativity

less than 1 minute read

This episode discussed the eternal struggle on how to be creative. One of the main points is that many successful creators say that they “follow the characte...

One Thing

less than 1 minute read

A.J. Jacobs in Econtalk notes that we remember nothing from most stuff we read or otherwise consume some time later. I certainly experience this as much as a...

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Econtalk - Lorne Buchman on Creativity

less than 1 minute read

This episode discussed the eternal struggle on how to be creative. One of the main points is that many successful creators say that they “follow the characte...

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Running Azure Insights Log Queries Locally

1 minute read

Application Insights is a tool to monitor your application running in Azure cloud. Custom queries to Application Insights logs are written in Kusto. You c...

Using Ssh Agent in Windows and Emacs

1 minute read

The SSH Agent allows you to remember the password for a password protected SSH private key during your session. While Linux usually is able to handle this ra...

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Org Capture Templates with Org Files

1 minute read

I fiddle with my org mode captures templates a lot. This usually involves customizing (or setting) org-capture-templates. I found it hard to visualize the en...

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My App Is Too Slow Now What

10 minute read

You don’t have to be a software engineer for long until you hit into performance issues. The database loads too slow. Calculating the route takes forever. Re...

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Dynamic Flow Control During Backpressure

6 minute read

Do you have some kind of streaming source of data in your application? Notifications? Tweets? Messages? What happens if that source starts to produce data fa...

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In A Slump Hunting The Flow

1 minute read

All experienced programmers have probably felt the flow: being completely immersed in the code. You have some feature completely laid out in your brain and y...

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In A Slump Hunting The Flow

1 minute read

All experienced programmers have probably felt the flow: being completely immersed in the code. You have some feature completely laid out in your brain and y...

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Using Ssh Agent in Windows and Emacs

1 minute read

The SSH Agent allows you to remember the password for a password protected SSH private key during your session. While Linux usually is able to handle this ra...

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Using Ssh Agent in Windows and Emacs

1 minute read

The SSH Agent allows you to remember the password for a password protected SSH private key during your session. While Linux usually is able to handle this ra...

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Multiple Spring Properties with Lists

2 minute read

Say you have multiple configuration files you want to use to when starting the application. One with some general settings shared by multiple instances and o...

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Multiple Spring Properties with Lists

2 minute read

Say you have multiple configuration files you want to use to when starting the application. One with some general settings shared by multiple instances and o...

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Running Azure Insights Log Queries Locally

1 minute read

Application Insights is a tool to monitor your application running in Azure cloud. Custom queries to Application Insights logs are written in Kusto. You c...

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Using Magit Forge with Github Pull Requests

1 minute read

My git tool of choice is of course Magit. It has an extension called Forge that can interact with tools like GitHub or Gitlab. While this support is incomple...

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less than 1 minute read

Now that I’m well passed the magical 40yo mark I’ve noticed my fingers aren’t as invincible as they used to be. I get random RSI strain in mu fingers and esp...

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less than 1 minute read

Now that I’m well passed the magical 40yo mark I’ve noticed my fingers aren’t as invincible as they used to be. I get random RSI strain in mu fingers and esp...

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less than 1 minute read

Now that I’m well passed the magical 40yo mark I’ve noticed my fingers aren’t as invincible as they used to be. I get random RSI strain in mu fingers and esp...

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Having Multiple Default Browsers

1 minute read

I use many browsers and many profiles in one browser. I would like to open Project 1 related in browser A, other work to B, memes to C etc. But

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